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Classroom License
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Building License
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Content Add-ons

600+ of the most popularly assigned titles in secondary education. This aligns with as much as 70% of titles required in most High School curriculums.

Modern Independent

Incredible titles from modern authors, including many New York Times bestsellers. Covering high-interest & low-level, to a wide scope of culturally responsive texts, and everything in between.

by LibraryPass

12,000+ High-interest comics, graphic novels, manga and more. Curated and designed for elementary reading levels.

14 day Trial
30 day Trial

100,000+ Bestselling titles from your favorite authors and popular publishers.

*Premium titles differ from everything else on Literal as they are part of a classroom rental model (Your school will purchase credits that can be exchanged for individual titles. Premium titles are only available to students and educators per our licensing agreements with the publishers.

Trial Features
Moneyback Guarantee

Here's how it works: After starting your free trial and recommending us to your admins, we'll pay you $200 when your school or district decides to pay for Literal on their own. And we'll make sure you won't be billed after the trial ends (or for the renewal).

This applies when your school buys Literal for 1 or all of their teachers, on day 5 or day 500!

SMS reminder before trial ends

We'll remind you via text messaging in the weeks before your trial is about to rollover to a paid subscription, so if you want to cancel, it'll be easy and painless.

Extended 30 day Trial

Instead of the standard 14 day trial with the monthly plan, you'll get an extra 16 days to fully test drive Literal.

Unlimited Students

A single teacher can have unlimited students. Note, that if you want to extend Literal to more teachers, They can sign up individually, and recommend us to school/district admins to unlock all of our content.

Unlimited Reading
20+ Teaching tools

Trusted by 1,000+ Top School Districts

Customer testimonials

"I noticed kids being more interested in physical books after they see how fun reading is on Literal. Literal helps students start to understand the appeal of reading."

A Florida educator in Palm Beach

“Literal is a tool that can engage students,- especially in late middle and early high school - who struggle with the very problem Literal is trying to solve: reading interest, engagement and achievement. There are many “solutions” being developed and supported for early childhood reading instruction and intervention, but there are very few solutions, if any, that are meeting the needs of our adolescent learners.”

District Parent Involvement and Compliance Coordinator, Large School District in Georgia

"What the students like best about Literal is that it looks like texting while you are reading. They like the choice of tap or autoplay and competing for who has the most reading points."

Jodi Johnson Educator using Literal in Utah

"I previously worked as a literacy coach and I am fascinated at the innovative way Literal is reshaping the reading experience for students."

Program Manager, Explore Schools

"As a HS teacher who has worked with both ELL and Sped students each year that I have taught, I personally know the struggle of encouraging a student to read. The built-in features and user interface that Literal has built is so helpful for these populations. (Literal) is filling such a needed space in education."

High School English Teacher, Frisco ISD

“We’ve been working with Literal’s technology for about a month, but we have been waiting for something like Literal for much longer! We carry over 3 million print titles and 2 million ebook titles from close to 18,000 publishers and have never seen a reading engagement product like Literal.”

Director of Professional Learning of a leading National Educational Reseller

“My two daughters are not readers. I showed them Literal and they didn’t believe it was a real book. The next day, I took them to the bookstore and had them pick up the real book they were reading on Literal the day before and they didn’t believe it was the same thing. Even better, they read all the way to page 40 in the real book.”

A Former State Educator in Georgia, who founded her own charter school

“We, like the other 100 charter schools in Utah, want to ensure that our combined 70,000students have access to the best tools and resources they need for a high quality education.Literal holds the potential to be one of those resources.”

Academic Director of a Charter School

“My students are more engaged than ever which makes me so very happy!”“A student came into class and asked to continue to read the book she started the night before on Literal because she liked it so much. That’s never happened before!”

A Utah educator who uses Literal in her classroom

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