Celebrating Diversity with Literal's Content Library

Dive into Literal's rich tapestry of multicultural books, designed to resonate with every student. From fiction to graphic novels, discover content that mirrors the diverse world we live in, ensuring every student sees themselves reflected in the stories they read.

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A Macbook with the Literal reading interace.
A Library for Everyone

Literal's commitment to diversity shines through its vast collection of books. Whether it's fiction, non-fiction, or poetry, students can find stories that resonate with their own experiences and cultural backgrounds.

Customizable Casting

Literal's unique casting feature empowers students to see themselves in the stories they read. Customize character images to reflect diverse backgrounds, ensuring a more personalized reading experience.

Language Learning Tools

Literal is not just a reading platform; it's a language learning tool. With definition tools, pronunciation guides, and translations in over 160 languages, it's the ideal platform for ELLs and ESOL educators.

AI-Powered Recommendations

Literal's AI recommendation system ensures that students are matched with diverse content that aligns with their interests, ensuring a more engaging and meaningful reading experience.

What Educators Are Saying


Frequently Asked Questions about Diverse Content

How does Literal ensure the content remains compliant with district policies?

Literal provides educators with full control over content accessibility, ensuring alignment with district weeding policies while offering a diverse range of books.

Can students access books in languages other than English?

Absolutely! Literal offers translations in over 160 languages, making it a versatile tool for students of all linguistic backgrounds.

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Embrace Diversity with Literal

Literal's commitment to diversity goes beyond just content. It's about creating an inclusive platform where every student feels seen, heard, and valued. Dive into a world of diverse stories and experiences with Literal.

Why Choose Literal for Diverse Content?

Multicultural Library

A vast collection of books from diverse authors and backgrounds.

Customizable Casting

Personalize character images to reflect diverse identities.

Language Tools

Definition tools, pronunciation guides, and translations for ELLs and ESOL educators.

AI Recommendations

Match students with content that resonates with their interests and backgrounds.

Explore Literal's Diverse Content

Browse through a curated selection of books, showcasing the depth and breadth of Literal's diverse content library. From multicultural fiction to graphic novels, discover stories that resonate with every student.